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Associated production of Higgs bosons and heavy quarks at photon colliders

Jun-Yu Guo, Yi Liao, Yu-Ping Kuang

Published 1999-12-09, updated 2000-04-09Version 2

The idea of fermion mass generation through Yukawa couplings between Higgs bosons and fermions may be tested by their associated production at future linear colliders (LC). We study the production mechanism in the minimal supersymmeric standard model at photon colliders that can be realized by the laser back-scattering technique at the LC. We find that the cross sections for the production of the light Higgs-top pair, heavy Higgs-bottom pair and pseudoscalr Higgs-bottom pair can reach the level of \sim 1.0 fb or higher for phenomenologically favoured values of the parameters in the Higgs sector. Since this mechanism is not affected by the appearance of Higgs resonances as in electron collisions, it may provide a more sensitive way to determine the Yukawa couplings between Higgs bosons and heavy quarks.

Comments: Version to appear in Phys. Rev. D. Conclusions are not changed, but some changes are made: (1) The title is changed to better fit the content; (2) More precise relations amongst Higgs masses and angles are used to compute couplings and cross sections. Numerical results are accordingly revised; (3) References are updated and more are added
Categories: hep-ph
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