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Associated production of neutral toppion with a pair of heavy quarks in $γγ$ collisions

Xuelei Wang, Bingzhong Li, Yueling Yang

Published 2002-09-28Version 1

We have studied a neutral toppion production process $\gamma\gamma\to f\bar{f}\Pi_{t}^{0}(f=t,b)$ in the topcolor-assisted technicolor(TC2) model. We find that the cross section of $\gamma\gamma\to t\bar{t}\Pi_{t}^{0}$ is much larger than that of $\gamma\gamma\to b\bar{b}\Pi_{t}^{0}$. On the other hand, the cross section can be obviously enhanced with the increasing of With $\sqrt{s}=1600$ GeV, the cross section of $t\bar{t}\Pi_t^0$ production can reach the level of a few fb. The results show that $\gamma\gamma\to t\bar{t}\Pi^0_t \to t\bar{t}(t\bar{c})$ is the most ideal channel to detect neutral toppion due to the clean SM background. With such sufficient signals and clean background, neutral toppion could be detected at TESLA with high

Comments: 11 pages, 5 figures
Journal: Phys.Rev. D67 (2003) 035005
Categories: hep-ph
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