Associated Production of Bottomonia and Higgs Bosons at Hadron Colliders
Bernd A. Kniehl, Caesar P. Palisoc, Lennart Zwirner
Published 2004-04-05Version 1
We study the associated production of bottomonia and Higgs bosons at hadron colliders within the factorization formalism of nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics providing all contributing partonic cross sections in analytic form. While such processes tend to be suppressed in the standard model, they may have interesting cross sections in its minimal supersymmetric extension, especially at large values of tan(beta), where the bottom Yukawa couplings are enhanced. We present numerical results for the processes involving the lighter CP-even h^0 boson and the CP-odd A^0 boson appropriate for the Fermilab Tevatron and the CERN LHC.
Comments: 33 pages, 7 figures, Latex, to appear in Phys. Rev. D
Journal: Phys.Rev. D69 (2004) 115005
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: higgs bosons, hadron colliders, associated production, bottomonia, nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics
Tags: journal article
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