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Associated Production of Higgs Bosons with Scalar Quarks at Future Hadron and $e^+e^-$ Colliders

A. Djouadi, J. -L. Kneur, G. Moultaka

Published 1999-03-01, updated 2000-01-24Version 2

We analyze the production of neutral Higgs particles in association with the supersymmetric scalar partners of the third generation quarks at future high--energy hadron colliders [upgraded Tevatron, LHC] and $e^+e^-$ linear machines [including the $\gamma \gamma$ option]. In the Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model, the cross section for the associated production of the lightest neutral $h$ boson with the lightest top squark pairs can be rather substantial at high energies. This process would open a window for the measurement of the $h \tilde{t} \tilde{t}$ coupling, the potentially largest coupling in the supersymmetric theory.

Comments: 34 pages, LaTex, 11 PS figures using axodraw.sty. More detailed discussion on the rho-parameter constraints. Numerical results and conclusions unchanged. To appear in Nucl. Phys. B
Journal: Nucl.Phys. B569 (2000) 53-81
Categories: hep-ph
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