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The alpha-particle in nuclear matter

M. Beyer, S. A. Sofianos, C. Kuhrts, G. Roepke, P. Schuck

Published 2000-03-30, updated 2000-05-11Version 4

Among the light nuclear clusters the alpha-particle is by far the strongest bound system and therefore expected to play a significant role in the dynamics of nuclei and the phases of nuclear matter. To systematically study the properties of the alpha-particle we have derived an effective four-body equation of the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas (AGS) type that includes the dominant medium effects, i.e. self energy corrections and Pauli-blocking in a consistent way. The equation is solved utilizing the energy dependent pole expansion for the sub system amplitudes. We find that the Mott transition of an alpha-particle at rest differs from that expected from perturbation theory and occurs at approximately 1/10 of nuclear matter densities.

Comments: 9 pages RevTex file, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Lett. B
Journal: Phys.Lett. B488 (2000) 247-253
Categories: nucl-th
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