Scaling of anisotropy flows in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions
Y. G. Ma, T. Z. Yan, X. Z. Cai, J. G. Chen, D. Q. Fang, W. Guo, G. H. Liu, C. W. Ma, E. J. Ma, W. Q. Shen, Y. Shi, Q. M. Su, W. D. Tian, H. W. Wang, K. Wang
Published 2006-10-19Version 1
Anisotropic flows ($v_1$, $v_2$ and $v_4$) of light nuclear clusters are studied by a nucleonic transport model in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions. The number-of-nucleon scalings of the directed flow ($v_1$) and elliptic flow ($v_2$) are demonstrated for light nuclear clusters. Moreover, the ratios of $v_4/v_2^2$ of nuclear clusters show a constant value of 1/2 regardless of the transverse momentum. The above phenomena can be understood by the coalescence mechanism in nucleonic level and are worthy to be explored in experiments.