Scaling of Anisotropic Flows in Intermediate Energy and Ultra-relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Published 2006-11-30Version 1
Anisotropic flows ($v_2$ and $v_4$) of hadrons and light nuclear clusters are studied by a partonic transport model and nucleonic transport model, respectively, in ultra-relativistic and intermediate energy heavy ion collisions. Both number-of-constituent-quark scaling of hadrons, especially for $\phi$ meson which is composed of strange quarks, and number-of-nucleon scaling of light nuclear clusters are discussed and explored for the elliptic flow ($v_2$). The ratios of $v_4/v_2^2$ of hadrons and nuclear clusters are, respectively, calculated and they show different constant values which are independent of transverse momentum. The above phenomena can be understood, respectively, by the coalescence mechanism in quark-level or nucleon-level.