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Continuum emission in NGC1068 and NGC3147: Indications for a turnover in the core spectra

M. Krips, A. Eckart, R. Neri, R. Schoedel, S. Leon, D. Downes, S. Garcia-Burillo, F. Combes

Published 2005-09-27Version 1

We present new interferometric observations of the continuum emission at mm wavelengths in the Seyfert galaxies NGC1068 and NGC3147. Three mm continuum peaks are detected in NGC1068, one centered on the core, one associated with the jet and the third one with the counter-jet. This is the first significant detection of the radio jet and counter-jet at mm wavelengths in NGC1068. While the fluxes of the jet components agree with a steep spectral index extrapolated from cm-wavelengths, the core fluxes indicate a turnover of the inverted cm- into a steep mm-spectrum at roughly 50GHz which is most likely caused by electron-scattered synchrotron emission. As in NGC 1068, the spectrum of the pointlike continuum source in NGC3147 also shows a turnover between cm and mm-wavelengths at 25GHz resulting from synchrotron self-absorption different to NGC1068. This strongly resembles the spectrum of SgrA*, the weakly active nucleus of our own galaxy, and M81*, a link between SgrA* and Seyfert galaxies in terms of activity sequence, which may display a similar turnover.

Comments: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A
Categories: astro-ph
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