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Modelling of the continuum emission from Class 0 sources

M. Rengel, D. Froebrich, S. Wolf, J. Eisloeffel

Published 2003-11-24Version 1

Class 0 sources are objects representing the earliest phase of the protostellar evolution. Since they are highly obscured by an extended dusty envelope, these objects emit mainly in the far-infrared to millimetre wavelength range. The analysis of their spectral energy distributions with wide wavelength coverage allows to determine the bolometric temperature and luminosity. However, a more detailed physical interpretation of the internal physical structure of these objects requires radiative transfer modelling. We present modelling results of spectral energy distributions of a sample of nine Class 0 sources in the Perseus and Orion molecular clouds. The SEDs have been simulated using a radiative transfer code based on the Monte Carlo method. We find that a spherically symmetric model for the youngest Class 0 sources allows to reproduce the observed SEDs reasonably well. From our modelling we derive physical parameters of our sources, such as their mass, density distribution, size, etc. We find a density structure of $\rho \sim r^{-2}$ for the collapsing cores at young ages, evolving to $\rho \sim r^{-3/2}$ at later times.

Comments: 5 pages, 2 figures, Latex, macro included, oral contribution in JENAM 2003, "The early phases of star formation", in press
Categories: astro-ph
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