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The origin of the HH7-11 outflow

R. Bachiller, F. Gueth, S. Guilloteau, M. Tafalla, A. Dutrey

Published 2000-09-27Version 1

New, high-sensitivity interferometric CO J=2-1 observations of the HH 7-11 outflow show that despite previous doubts, this system is powered by the Class I source SVS 13. The molecular outflow from SVS 13 is formed by a shell with a large opening angle at the base, which is typical of outflows from Class I sources, but it also contains an extremely-high-velocity jet composed of ``molecular bullets'', which is more typical of Class 0 outflows. This suggests that SVS 13 could be a very young Class I, which still keeps some features of the previous evolutionary stage. We briefly discuss the nature of some sources in the SVS 13 vicinity which are emitters of cm-wave continuum, but have no counterpart at mm wavelengths.

Comments: 4 pages, 3 figures. To be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics
Categories: astro-ph
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