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Star Formation and Dynamics in the nuclei of AGN

R. I. Davies, L. J. Tacconi, R. Genzel

Published 2004-04-15Version 1

Using adaptive optics on Keck and the VLT in the H- and K-bands, we have begun a project to probe the dynamics and star formation around AGN on scales of 0.1arcsec. The stellar content of the nucleus is traced through the 2.29micron CO2-0 and 1.62micron CO6-3 absorption bandheads. These features are directly spatially resolved, allowing us to measure the extent and distribution of the nuclear star forming region. The dynamics are traced through the 2.12micron H_2 1-0S(1) and 1.64micron [FeII] emission lines, as well as stellar absorption features. Matching disk models to the rotation curves at various position angles allows us to determine the mass of the stellar and gas components, and constrain the mass of the central black hole. In this contribution we summarise results for the two type~1 AGN Mkn231 and NGC7469.

Comments: contribution to "The interplay among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei", March 2004
Categories: astro-ph
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