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Evolution characteristics of central black hole of magnetized accretion disc

D. X. Wang, K. Xiao, W. H. Lei

Published 2002-09-18, updated 2002-09-27Version 2

Evolution characteristics of a Kerr black hole (BH) are investigated by considering coexistence of disc accretion with the Blandford-Znajek process (the BZ process). (i) The rate of extracting energy from the rotating BH in the BZ process and that in MC process are expressed by a unified formula, which is derived by using an improved equivalent cicuit. (ii) The mapping relation between the angular coordinate on the BH horizon and the radial coordinate on the disc is given in the context of general relativity and conservation of magnetic flux. (iii) The power and torque in the BZ process are compared with those in MC process in detail. (iv)Evolution characteristics of the BH and energy extracting efficiency are discussed by using the characteristics functions of BH evolution in the corresponding parameter space. (v) Power dissipation on the BH horizon and BH entropy increase are discussed by considering the coexistence of the above energy mechanisms.

Comments: 11 pages, 19 figures
Journal: Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 335 (2002) 655
Categories: astro-ph
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