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Nuclear Dynamics and Star Formation of AGN

R. Davies, L. Tacconi, R. Genzel, N. Thatte

Published 2003-10-30Version 1

We are using adaptive optics on Keck and the VLT to probe the dynamics and star formation in Seyfert and QSO nuclei, obtaining spatial resolutions better than 0.1" in the H- and K-bands. The dynamics are traced via the 2.12um H_2 1-0S(1) line, while the stellar cluster is traced through the CO 2-0 and 6-3 absorption bandheads at 2.29um and 1.62um respectively. Matching disk models to the H_2 rotation curves allows us to study nuclear rings, bars, and warps; and to constrain the mass of the central black hole. The spatial extent and equivalent width of the stellar absorption permits us to estimate the mass of stars in the nucleus and their contribution to the emission. Here we report on new data for I Zwicky 1, Markarian 231, and NGC 7469.

Comments: 6 page contribution to 'Science with Adaptive Optics'
Categories: astro-ph
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