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High Resolution Observations of X-ray Absorbers/Emitters

F. Nicastro, M. Elvis, F. Fiore, G. Matt, S. Savaglio

Published 2000-07-05Version 1

We present photoionization and collisional ionization models, and their application to three important fields: (a) the Warm Absorbers/Emitters in type 1 AGN, (b) the Warm Reflectors in Type 2 AGN, and (c) X-ray absorption of background quasars by intergalactic gas. A number of cases are investigated, and the dependences of the main parameters explored.

Comments: 4 pages (3 figures), to appear in the proceedings of "X-Ray Astronomy '99", 1999, September 6-10, Bologna (Italy)
Categories: astro-ph
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