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Environmental Effect on the Associations of Background Quasars with Foreground Objects: II. Numerical Simulations

Xiang-Ping Wu, Xiao-Hong Zhu, Yi-Peng Jing, Li-Zhi Fang

Published 1997-05-23Version 1

Using numerical simulations of cluster formation in the standard CDM model (SCDM) and in a low-density, flat CDM model with a cosmological constant (LCDM), we investigate the gravitational lensing explanation for the reported associations between background quasars and foreground clusters. Under the thin-lens approximation and the unaffected background hypothesis , we show that the recently detected quasar overdensity around clusters of galaxies on scales of $\sim10$ arcminutes cannot be interpreted as a result of the gravitational lensing by cluster matter and/or by their environmental and projected matter along the line of sight, which is consistent with the analytical result based on the observed cluster and galaxy correlations (Wu, et al. 1996). It appears very unlikely that uncertainties in the modeling of the gravitational lensing can account for the disagreement between the theoretical predictions and the observations. We conclude that either the detected signal of the quasar-cluster associations is a statistical fluke or the associations are are generated by mechanisms other than the magnification bias.

Comments: 15 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
Journal: Astrophys.J. 488 (1997) 557
Categories: astro-ph
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