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arXiv:0708.4362 [astro-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

The Metallicity of Intergalactic Gas in Cosmic Voids

John T. Stocke, Charles W. Danforth, J. Michael Shull, Steven V. Penton, Mark L. Giroux

Published 2007-08-31Version 1

We have used the Hubble/STIS and FUSE archives of ultraviolet spectra of bright AGN to identify intergalactic Lya absorbers in nearby (z < 0.1) voids. From a parent sample of 651 Lya absorbers, we identified 61 void absorbers located more than 1.4/h_70 Mpc from the nearest L* or brighter galaxy. Searching for metal absorption in high-quality (S/N > 10) spectra at the location of three diagnostic metal lines (O VI 1032, C IV 1548, Si III 1206), we detected no metal lines in any individual absorber, or in any group of absorbers using pixel co-addition techniques. The best limits on metal-line absorption in voids were set using four strong Lya absorbers with N(H I) > 10^{14} cm^-2, with 3-sigma equivalent-width limits ranging from 8 mA (O VI), 7-15 mA (C IV), and 4-10 mA (Si III). Photoionization modeling yields metallicity limits Z < 10^{-1.8+/-0.4} Z_sun, from non-detections of C IV and O VI, some 6 times lower than those seen in Lya and OVI absorbers at z < 0.1. Although the void Lya absorbers could be pristine material, considerably deeper spectra are required to rule out a universal metallicity floor produced by bursts of early star formation, with no subsequent star formation in the voids. The most consistent conclusion derived from these low-z results, and similar searches at z = 3-5, is that galaxy filaments have increased their mean IGM metallicity by factors of 30-100 since z = 3.

Comments: Accepted for ApJ, 8 pages including Fig 1a,b
Categories: astro-ph
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