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arXiv:1303.2476 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Heavy flavor suppression: role of hadronic matter

Santosh K. Das, Sabyasachi Ghosh, Sourav Sarkar, Jan-e Alam

Published 2013-03-11, updated 2013-07-05Version 2

The role of hadronic matter in the suppression of open heavy flavored mesons has been studied. The heavy-quarks (HQs) suppression factors have been calculated and contrasted with the experimental data obtained from nuclear collisions at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and Large Hadronic Collider (LHC) experiments. It is found that the suppression in the hadronic phase at RHIC energy is around $20%-25%$ whereas at the LHC it is around $10%-12%$ for the D meson. In case of B meson the hadronic suppression is around $10%-12%$ and $5%-6%$ at RHIC and LHC energies respectively. Present study suggests that the suppression of heavy flavor in the hadronic phase is significant at RHIC. However, the effect of hadronic suppression at LHC is marginal, this makes the characterization of QGP at LHC less complicated.

Comments: Physical Review D (in press)
Journal: Physical Review D 88 (2013) 017501
Categories: nucl-th, hep-ph, nucl-ex
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