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Modeling the strangeness content of hadronic matter

G. Toledo Sanchez, J. Piekarewicz

Published 2001-09-06Version 1

The strangeness content of hadronic matter is studied in a string-flip model that reproduces various aspects of the QCD-inspired phenomenology, such as quark clustering at low density and color deconfinement at high density, while avoiding long range van der Waals forces. Hadronic matter is modeled in terms of its quark constituents by taking into account its internal flavor (u,d,s) and color (red, blue, green) degrees of freedom. Variational Monte-Carlo simulations in three spatial dimensions are performed for the ground-state energy of the system. The onset of the transition to strange matter is found to be influenced by weak, yet not negligible, clustering correlations. The phase diagram of the system displays an interesting structure containing both continuous and discontinuous phase transitions. Strange matter is found to be absolutely stable in the model.

Comments: 14 pages, 1 table, 8 eps figures, revtex. Submitted to Phys. Rev. C, Presented at INPC2001 Berkeley, Ca. july 29-Aug 3
Journal: Phys.Rev. C65 (2002) 045208
Categories: nucl-th
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