Pentaquark baryon production at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
Lie-Wen Chen, V. Greco, C. M. Ko, S. H. Lee, W. Liu
Published 2003-08-01, updated 2004-09-23Version 3
Production of pentaquark $\Theta^+$ baryons in central relativistic heavy ion collisions is studied in a kinetic model. Assuming that a quark-gluon plasma is produced in the collisions, we first determine the number of $\Theta^+$ produced from the quark-gluon plasma using a parton coalescence model, and then take into consideration its production and absorption in subsequent hadronic matter via the reactions $KN\leftrightarrow\Theta$, $KN\leftrightarrow\pi\Theta$, and $\piN\leftrightarrow\bar K\Theta$. We find that although the final $\Theta^+$ number is affected by hadronic interactions, it remains sensitive to the initial number of $\Theta^+$ produced from the quark-gluon plasma, particularly in the case of a small $\Theta^+$ width as imposed by the $K^+N$ and $K^+d$ scattering data. Because of small baryon chemical potential in the hot dense matter produced in these collisions, the number of produced anti-$\Theta$ is only slightly smaller than that of $\Theta^+$.