arXiv:1006.2078 [hep-ph]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Flavor physics within and beyond the Standard Model
Published 2010-06-10Version 1
I review recent progress in theoretical calculations related to the CKM unitarity triangle. After briefly discussing hints for new physics in B_d-B_d-bar mixing and B_s-B_s-bar mixing I present three topics of MSSM flavor physics: First I discuss new tan-beta-enhanced radiative corrections to flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) amplitudes which go beyond the familiar Higgs-mediated FCNC diagrams and may enhance the mixing-induced CP asymmetry in B_d -> phi K_S. The second topic is a reappraisal of the idea that flavor violation originates from the soft supersymmetry-breaking terms. Finally I discuss how mu -> e gamma can be used to constrain the flavor structure of the dimension-5 Yukawa interactions which appear in realistic grand unified theories.