Beyond The Standard Model
Published 1998-02-03, updated 1998-08-15Version 3
An overview of unified theory models that extend the standard model is given. A scenario describing the physics beyond the standard model is developed based on a finite quantum field theory (FQFT) and the group G=$SO(3,1)\otimes SU(3)\otimes SU(2)\otimes U(1)$. The field theory is Poincar\'e invariant, gauge invariant, finite and unitary to all orders of perturbation theory and has a fundamental scale which is chosen to be $\Lambda_F =1/\sqrt{G_F}\sim 300$ GeV, where $G_F$ is the Fermi coupling constant. The physical Higgs particle is protected from acquiring a large mass beyond $\sim 1$ TeV, removing the gauge hierarchy problem associated with the scalar Higgs field. This avoids the need for a composite Higgs field or supersymmetry. The coupling constants and the fermion masses can be calculated from a set of low-energy relativistic eigenvalue equations based on truncated Green's functions and the FQFT, reducing the number of free parameters in the model without a grand unification scheme. The proton is predicted to be stable. Quantum gravity is perturbatively finite and unitary to all orders.