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Renormalization Group and Decoupling in Curved Space: II. The Standard Model and Beyond

Eduard V. Gorbar, Ilya L. Shapiro

Published 2003-03-14Version 1

We continue the study of the renormalization group and decoupling of massive fields in curved space, started in the previous article and analyse the higher derivative sector of the vacuum metric-dependent action of the Standard Model. The QCD sector at low-energies is described in terms of the composite effective fields. For fermions and scalars the massless limit shows perfect correspondence with the conformal anomaly, but similar limit in a massive vector case requires an extra compensating scalar. In all three cases the decoupling goes smoothly and monotonic. A particularly interesting case is the renormalization group flow in the theory with broken supersymmetry, where the sign of one of the beta-functions changes on the way from the UV to IR.

Comments: 27 pages, 8 figures
Journal: JHEP 0306:004,2003
Categories: hep-ph, gr-qc, hep-th
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