Isospin Dependence of Proton and Neutron Radii within Relativistic Mean Field Theory
M. Warda, B. Nerlo-Pomorska, K. Pomorski
Published 1997-12-16Version 1
The binding energies, shapes and sizes of even-even beta-stable nuclei with A >= 40 and a few chains of isotopes with Z=50, 56, 82, 94 protons and isotones with N=50, 82, 126 neutrons are analyzed. The average isospin dependence of the radii of protons and neutrons evaluated within the relativistic mean field theory is studied. A simple, phenomenological formula for neutron radii is proposed.
Comments: 10 pages in Latex and 14 figures in the eps format
Journal: Nucl.Phys. A635 (1998) 484-494
Categories: nucl-th
Keywords: relativistic mean field theory, neutron radii, average isospin dependence, even-even beta-stable nuclei
Tags: journal article
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