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Macroscopic properties of nuclei according to the relativistic mean field theory

Bozena Nerlo-Pomorska, Katarzyna Mazurek

Published 2002-11-18Version 1

Self-consistent calculations within the relativistic mean field theory (RMFT) were performed for 150 spherical even-even nuclei. The macroscopic part of the binding energy was evaluated by subtracting the Strutinsky shell corrections from the RMFT energy. The parameters of a liquid-drop (LD), like mass formula which approximates the RMFT results, were determined. The mass and isospin dependence of the RMFT mean-square radii constant for the neutron, proton, charge and total density distributions were estimated. The RMFT liquid-drop parameters and the radii constants are compared with similar results obtained with the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov calculations with the Gogny force (HFB+Gogny) and phenomenological models.

Comments: 18 pages in LaTex including 5 figures in the eps format
Journal: Phys.Rev. C66 (2002) 064305
Categories: nucl-th
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