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The exclusive (e,e$'$p) reaction at high missing momenta

V. Van der Sluys, J. Ryckebusch, M. Waroquier

Published 1996-06-12Version 1

The reduced (e,e$'$p) cross section is calculated for kinematics that probe high missing momenta. The final-state interaction is handled within a non-relativistic many-body framework. One- and two-body nuclear currents are included. Electron distortion effects are treated in an exact distorted wave calculation. It is shown that at high missing momenta the calculated (e,e$'$p) cross sections exhibit a pronounced sensitivity to ground-state correlations of the RPA type and two-body currents. The role of these mechanisms is found to be relatively small at low missing momenta.

Comments: 15 pages in REVtex with embedded psfigures
Journal: Phys.Rev.C54:1322-1328,1996
Categories: nucl-th
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