Pentaquark $Θ^+$ production from the reaction $γ p\toπ^+K^-Θ^+$
W. Liu, C. M. Ko, V. Kubarovsky
Published 2003-10-30Version 1
The cross section for $\Theta^+$ production from the reaction $\gamma p\to\pi^+K^-\Theta^+$, which was observed in the CLAS experiment at the Jefferson National Laboratory, is evaluated in a hadronic model that includes couplings of $\Theta^+$ to both $KN$ and $K^*N$. With their coupling constants determined from the empirical $\pi NN(1710)$ and $\rho NN(1710)$ coupling constants using the SU(3) symmetry, the cross section for this reaction has been evaluated by taking $\Theta^+$ to have spin 1/2 and isospin 0 but either positive or negative parity. We find that the cross section is 10-15 nb if $\Theta^+$ has positive parity as predicted by the chiral soliton model. The cross section is reduced by more than a factor of 10 if $\Theta^+$ has negative parity as given by lattice QCD studies. For both parities, the differential distribution peaks at small negative four momentum transfer as expected from the dominating $t$-channel kaon-exchange diagram that involves only the coupling of $\Theta^+$ to $KN$.