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Covariant response theory beyond RPA and its application

E. Litvinova, P. Ring, V. Tselyaev

Published 2006-09-21Version 1

The covariant particle-vibration coupling model within the time blocking approximation is employed to supplement the Relativistic Random Phase Approximation (RRPA) with coupling to collective vibrations. The Bethe-Salpeter equation in the particle-hole channel with an energy dependent residual particle-hole (p-h) interaction is formulated and solved in the shell-model Dirac basis as well as in the momentum space. The same set of the coupling constants generates the Dirac-Hartree single-particle spectrum, the static part of the residual p-h interaction and the particle-phonon coupling amplitudes. This approach is applied to quantitative description of damping phenomenon in even-even spherical nuclei with closed shells $^{208}$Pb and $^{132}$Sn. Since the phonon coupling enriches the RRPA spectrum with a multitude of ph$\otimes$phonon states a noticeable fragmentation of giant monopole and dipole resonances is obtained in the examined nuclei. The results are compared with experimental data and with results of the non-relativistic approach.

Comments: 12 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the NSRT06 Conference
Journal: Phys.Atom.Nucl.70:1380-1385,2007
Categories: nucl-th
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