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Space-time evolution of hadronization

Alberto Accardi

Published 2006-09-05Version 1

Beside its intrinsic interest for the insights it can give into color confinement, knowledge of the space-time evolution of hadronization is very important for correctly interpreting jet-quenching data in heavy ion collisions and extracting the properties of the produced medium. On the experimental side, the cleanest environment to study the space-time evolution of hadronization is semi-inclusive Deeply Inelastic Scattering on nuclear targets. On the theoretical side, 2 frameworks are presently competing to explain the observed attenuation of hadron production: quark energy loss (with hadron formation outside the nucleus) and nuclear absorption (with hadronization starting inside the nucleus). I discuss recent observables and ideas which will help to distinguish these 2 mechanisms and to measure the time scales of the hadronization process.

Comments: 6 pages, 4 figures. Based on talks given at "Hot Quarks 2006", Villasimius, Italy, May 15-20, 2006, and at the "XLIV internataional winter meeting on nuclear physics", Bormio, Italy, Jan 29 - Feb 5, 2006. To appear in Eur.Phys.J.C
Journal: Eur.Phys.J.C49:347-353,2007
Categories: nucl-th, hep-ph, nucl-ex
Subjects: 24.85.+p, 13.87.Fh
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