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Single $α$-particle orbits and Bose-Einstein condensation in $^{12}$C

Taiichi Yamada, Peter Schuck

Published 2005-06-15Version 1

The $\alpha$-bosonic properties such as single-$\alpha$ orbits and occupation numbers in $J^\pi$=$0^+$, $2^+$, $1^-$ and $3^-$ states of $^{12}$C around the $3\alpha$ threshold are investigated with the semi-microscopic $3\alpha$ cluster model. As in other studies, we found that the $0^+_2$ ($2^+_2$) state has dilute-$3\alpha$-condensate-like structure in which the $\alpha$ particle is occupied in the single $S$ ($D$) orbit with about 70% (80%) probability. The radial behaviors of the single-$\alpha$ orbits as well as the occupation numbers are discussed in detail in comparison with those for the $0^+_1$ and $2^+_1$ states together with the $1^-_1$ and $3^-_1$ states.

Comments: 32 pages, 13 figures
Journal: Eur.Phys.J. A26 (2005) 185-199
Categories: nucl-th
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