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arXiv:1309.3382 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources

Microscopic analysis of $^{11}$Li elastic scattering on protons and breakup processes within $^{9}$Li+$2n$ cluster model

V. K. Lukyanov, D. N. Kadrev, E. V. Zemlyanaya, A. N. Antonov, K. V. Lukyanov, M. K. Gaidarov, K. Spasova

Published 2013-09-13Version 1

In the paper, the results of analysis of elastic scattering and breakup processes in interactions of the $^{11}$Li nucleus with protons are presented. The hybrid model of the microscopic optical potential (OP) is applied. This OP includes the single-folding real part, while its imaginary part is derived within the high-energy approximation (HEA) theory. For the $^{11}$Li$+p$ elastic scattering, the microscopic large-scale shell model (LSSM) density of $^{11}$Li is used. The depths of the real and imaginary parts of OP are fitted to the elastic scattering data at 62, 68.4, and 75 MeV/nucleon, being simultaneously adjusted to reproduce the true energy dependence of the corresponding volume integrals. The role of the spin-orbit potential is studied and predictions for the total reaction cross sections are made. Also, the cluster model, in which $^{11}$Li consists of $2n$-halo and the $^{9}$Li core having its own LSSM form of density, is adopted. The respective microscopic proton-cluster OP's are calculated and folded with the density probability of the relative motion of both clusters to get the whole $^{11}$Li$+p$ optical potential. The breakup cross sections of $^{11}$Li at 62 MeV/nucleon and momentum distributions of the cluster fragments are calculated. An analysis of the single-particle density of $^{11}$Li within the same cluster model accounting for the possible geometric forms of the halo-cluster density distribution is performed.

Comments: 16 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review C
Categories: nucl-th
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