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Isospin Diffusion in Heavy-Ion Collisions and the Neutron Skin Thickness of Lead

Andrew W. Steiner, Bao-An Li

Published 2005-05-17, updated 2005-10-12Version 2

The correlation between the thickness of the neutron skin in Pb-208, and the degree of isospin diffusion in heavy-ion collisions is examined. The same equation of state is used to compute the degree of isospin diffusion in an isospin-depedent transport model and the neutron skin thickness in the Hartree-Fock approximation. We find that skin thicknesses less than 0.15 fm are excluded by the isospin diffusion data.

Comments: 5 pages, 4 figures; few minor corrections and updates; version to appear in PRC
Journal: Phys.Rev. C72 (2005) 041601
Categories: nucl-th, astro-ph, nucl-ex
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