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Observable effects of symmetry energy in heavy-ion collisions at RIA energies

Bao-An Li

Published 2003-12-06Version 1

Within an isospin-dependent transport model for nuclear reactions induced by neutron-rich nuclei, we perform a comparative study of $^{100}Sn+^{124}Sn$ and $^{100}Zn+^{124}Sn$ reactions at beam energies of 30 MeV/A and 400 MeV/A to identify optimal experimental conditions and observables for investigating the equation of state (EOS) of neutron-rich matter at RIA. Several observables known to be sensitive to the density-dependence of the symmetry energy are examined as a function of impact parameter for both reaction systems. In particular, the strength of isospin transport/diffusion is studied by using rapidity distributions of free nucleons and their isospin asymmetries. An approximate isospin equilibrium is established even for peripheral collisions with a very soft symmetry energy at 30 MeV/A. At 400 MeV/A, however, a strong isospin translucency is observed even in most central collisions with either soft or stiff symmetry energies. Origins of these observations and their implications to determining the EOS of neutron-rich matter at the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) are discussed.

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