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Time-Dependent Response Calculations of Nuclear Resonances

A. S. Umar, V. E. Oberacker

Published 2005-01-04Version 1

A new alternate method for evaluating linear response theory is formally developed, and results are presented. This method involves the time-evolution of the system using TDHF and is constructed directly on top of a static Hartree-Fock calculation. By Fourier transforming the time-dependent result the response function and the total probability amplitude are extracted. This method allows for a coherent description of static properties of nuclei, such as binding energies and deformations, while also providing a method for calculating collective modes and reaction rates. A full 3-D Cartesian Basis-Spline collocation representation is used with several Skyrme interactions. Sample results are presented for the giant multipole resonances of 16O, 40Ca, and 32S and compared to other calculations.

Comments: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. C
Journal: Phys.Rev. C71 (2005) 034314
Categories: nucl-th
Subjects: 21.60.Jz
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