arXiv:2001.07236 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Skyrme RPA for nuclear resonances: trouble with magnetic modes
J. Speth, P. -G. Reinhard, V. Tselyaev, N. Lyutorovich
Published 2020-01-20Version 1
We discuss major differences between electric and magnetic excitations in nuclei appearing in self-consistent calculation based on Skyrme energy-density functionals. Tools of analysis are Landau-Migdal parameters for bulk properties and RPA for resonance modes of $^{208}$Pb as representative of finite nuclei. We show that the relation between the effective mass and the effective particle-hole interaction, well known in the Landau-Migdal theory, explains the success of self-consistent calculations of electric transitions in such approaches. This effect, however, does not automatically exist in the magnetic case. This calls for further developments of the Skyrme functional in the spin channel.