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Charmonium at LHC: Production, Propagation and Decay

Pradip Roy, Abhee K. Dutt-Mazumder, Jane Alam, Bikash Sinha

Published 2004-10-26Version 1

The productions of muon pairs from the decay of heavy quarkonia have been evaluated for different centrality of the nuclear collisions at LHC energies. The effects of the various comover scenarios on the survival probability of the heavy quarkonia have been considered. The effects of shadowing and comover suppressions on the dilepton spectra originating from the decays of J/\psi is found to be substantial. The dilepton yield from the thermal J/\psi has also been estimated and found to be small.

Comments: 16 pages LaTeX, 7 Figures included
Categories: nucl-th
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