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Structure and Dynamics of Charmonium

Kevin L. Haglin

Published 2002-05-17Version 1

We apply a confining q\bar{q} potential to charmonium and open charm in order to model wave functions and to begin studying structure. Results (in momentum space) provide form-factor input to a four-flavor effective chiral Lagrangian which models dynamics of charmonium in hot hadronic matter. Estimates are made for J/\psi dissociation cross sections and rates within a fireball. Our study attempts to improve on previous comover suppression models since it includes gauge-invariant form-factor formalism constrained by quark-model phenomenology.

Comments: 12 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of the 18th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Nassau, Bahamas, January 20-27, 2002
Categories: nucl-th
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