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On the correlation between the binding energies of the triton and the alpha-particle

L. Platter, H. -W. Hammer, U. -G. Meißner

Published 2004-09-20, updated 2004-11-22Version 2

We consider the correlation between the binding energies of the triton and the alpha-particle which is empirically observed in calculations employing different phenomenological nucleon-nucleon interactions. Using an effective quantum mechanics approach for short-range interactions with large scattering length |a| >> l, where l is the natural low-energy length scale, we construct the effective interaction potential at leading order in l/|a|. In order to renormalize the four-nucleon system, it is sufficient to include a SU(4)-symmetric one-parameter three-nucleon interaction in addition to the S-wave nucleon-nucleon interactions. The absence of a four-nucleon force at this order explains the empirically observed correlation between the binding energies of the triton and the alpha-particle. We calculate this correlation and obtain a prediction for the alpha-particle binding energy. Corrections to our results are suppressed by l/|a|.

Comments: 4 pages, 1 ps figure, references updated
Journal: Phys.Lett. B607 (2005) 254-258
Categories: nucl-th, hep-ph, nucl-ex
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