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Random interactions in nuclei and extension of $0^+$ dominance in ground states to irreps of group symmetries

V. K. B. Kota

Published 2004-01-20Version 1

Random one plus two-body hamiltonians invariant with respect to $O({\cal N}_1) \oplus O({\cal N}_2)$ symmetry in the group-subgroup chains $U({\cal N}) \supset U({\cal N}_1) \oplus U({\cal N}_2) \supset O({\cal N}_1) \oplus O({\cal N}_2)$ and $U({\cal N}) \supset O({\cal N}) \supset O({\cal N}_1) \oplus O({\cal N}_2)$ chains of a variety of interacting boson models are used to investigate the probability of occurrence of a given $(\omega_1 \omega_2)$ irreducible representation (irrep) to be the ground state in even-even nuclei; $[\omega_1]$ and $[\omega_2]$ are symmetric irreps of $O({\cal N}_1)$ and $O({\cal N}_2)$ respectively. Numerical results obtained for ${\cal N}_1 \geq 3, {\cal N}_2=1$ and ${\cal N}_1, {\cal N}_2 \geq 3$ situations are well explained by an extended Hartree-Bose mean-field analysis.

Comments: 8 pages, 1 figure
Journal: High Energy Physics and Nucler Physics (Chinese) 28 (2004) 1307-1312
Categories: nucl-th
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