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Nuclear Structure - "ab initio"

Hans Feldmeier, Thomas Neff, Robert Roth

Published 2003-12-22Version 1

An ab-initio description of atomic nuclei that solves the nuclear many-body problem for realistic nuclear forces is expected to possess a high degree of predictive power. In this contribution we treat the main obstacle, namely the short-ranged repulsive and tensor correlations induced by the realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction, by means of a unitary correlation operator. This correlator applied to uncorrelated many-body states imprints short-ranged correlations that cannot be described by product states. When applied to an observable it induces the correlations into the operator, creating for example a correlated Hamiltonian suited for Slater determinants. Adding to the correlated realistic interaction a correction for three-body effects, consisting of a momentum-dependent central and spin-orbit two-body potential we obtain an effective interaction that is successfully used for all nuclei up to mass 60. Various results are shown.

Comments: 9 pages, Invited talk and poster at the international symposium "A New Era of Nuclear Structure Physics" (NENS03), Niigata, Japan, Nov. 19-22, 2003
Categories: nucl-th
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