The Lambda_Q-Lambda_Q Potential
Daniel Arndt, Silas R. Beane, Martin J. Savage
Published 2003-04-01Version 1
Lattice QCD simulations of the potential between two baryons, each containing a heavy quark and two light quarks, such as the Lambda_Q-Lambda_Q potential, will provide insight into the nucleon-nucleon interaction. As one-pion exchange does not contribute to the Lambda_Q-Lambda_Q potential, the long-distance behavior is dominated by physics that contributes to the intermediate-range attraction between two nucleons. We compute the leading long-distance contributions to the Lambda_Q-Lambda_Q potential in QCD and in partially-quenched QCD in the low-energy effective field theory.
Comments: 10 pages LaTeX, 3 eps figs, 3 ps figs
Journal: Nucl.Phys. A726 (2003) 339-348
Keywords: lattice qcd simulations, low-energy effective field theory, heavy quark, light quarks, leading long-distance contributions
Tags: journal article
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