arXiv:1712.09963 [nucl-th]AbstractReferencesReviewsResources
Low-Energy Effective Field Theory of Lepton-Proton Bremsstrahlung
P. Talukdar, F. Myhrer, U. Raha
Published 2017-12-28Version 1
We calculate the cross section for the lepton-proton bremsstrahlung process $l+p\to l^\prime +p+\gamma$ in effective field theory. This process corresponds to an undetected background signal for the proposed MUSE experiment at PSI. MUSE is designed to measure elastic scattering of low-energy electrons and muons off a proton target in order to extract a precise value for the proton's r.m.s. radius. We show that the commonly used {\it peaking approximation}, which is used to evaluate the {\it radiative tail} for the elastic cross section, is not applicable for muon proton scattering at the low-energy MUSE kinematics. We also correct a misprint in a commonly cited review article.