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Allowed Gamow-Teller Excitations from the Ground State of 14N

S. Aroua, P. Navratil, L. Zamick, M. S. Fayache, B. R. Barrett, J. P. Vary, N. Smirnova, K. Heyde

Published 2002-10-18Version 1

Motivated by the proposed experiment $^{14}N(d,{^2He})^{14}C$, we study the final states which can be reached via the allowed Gamow-Teller mechanism. Much emphasis has been given in the past to the fact that the transition matrix element from the $J^{\pi}=1^+ T=0$ ground state of $^{14}N$ to the $J^{\pi}=0^+ T=1$ ground state of $^{14}C$ is very close to zero, despite the fact that all the quantum numbers are right for an allowed transition. We discuss this problem, but, in particular, focus on the excitations to final states with angular momenta $1^+$ and $2^+$. We note that the summed strength to the $J^{\pi}=2^+ T=1$ states, calculated with a wide variety of interactions, is significantly larger than that to the $J^{\pi}=1^+ T=1$ final states.

Comments: Submitted to Phys. Rev. C
Journal: Nucl.Phys. A720 (2003) 71-83
Categories: nucl-th
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