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The three-nucleon bound state using realistic potential models

A. Nogga, A. Kievsky, H. Kamada, W. Gloeckle, L. E. Marcucci, S. Rosati, M. Viviani

Published 2002-02-11Version 1

The bound states of $^3$H and $^3$He have been calculated using the Argonne $v_{18}$ plus the Urbana three-nucleon potential. The isospin $T=3/2$ state have been included in the calculations as well as the $n$-$p$ mass difference. The $^3$H-$^3$He mass difference has been evaluated through the charge dependent terms explicitly included in the two-body potential. The calculations have been performed using two different methods: the solution of the Faddeev equations in momentum space and the expansion on the correlated hyperspherical harmonic basis. The results are in agreement within 0.1% and can be used as benchmark tests. Results for the CD-Bonn interaction are also presented. It is shown that the $^3$H and $^3$He binding energy difference can be predicted model independently.

Comments: 5 pages REVTeX 4, 1 figures, 6 tables
Journal: Phys.Rev. C67 (2003) 034004
Categories: nucl-th
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