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Three-body electrodisintegration of the three-nucleon bound state with $Δ$-isobar excitation: Processes below pion-production threshold

A. Deltuva, L. P. Yuan, J. Adam Jr., P. U. Sauer

Published 2004-06-18Version 1

Electron scattering from the three-nucleon bound state with two- and three-body disintegration is described. The description uses the purely nucleonic charge-dependent CD-Bonn potential and its coupled-channel extension CD-Bonn + $\Delta$. Exact solutions of three-particle equations are employed for the initial and final states of the reactions. The current has one-baryon and two-baryon contributions and couples nucleonic with $\Delta$-isobar channels. $\Delta$-isobar effects on the observables are isolated. The $\Delta$-isobar excitation yields an effective three-nucleon force and effective two- and three-nucleon currents beside other $\Delta$-isobar effects; they are mutually consistent.

Comments: 12 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. C
Journal: Phys.Rev.C70:034004,2004
Categories: nucl-th
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