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Nonperturbative Flow Equations with Heat-Kernel Methods at finite Temperature

B. -J. Schaefer, H. J. Pirner

Published 1997-12-17Version 1

We derive nonperturbative flow equations within an effective constituent quark model for two quark flavors. Heat-kernel methods are employed for a renormalization group improved effective potential. We study the evolution of the effective potential with respect to an infrared cutoff scale $k$ at vanishing temperature. At the first stage we omit corrections coming from the anomalous dimension. This investigation is extrapolated to finite temperature, where we find a second order phase transition in the chiral limit at $T_c \approx 130$ MeV. Due to a smooth decoupling of massive modes, we can directly link the low-temperature four-dimensional theory to the three-dimensional high-temperature theory and can determine universal critical exponents.

Comments: 17 pages including 7 figures, LaTeX, uses epsf.sty. Talk given by the first author at Research Workshop on Deconfinement at Finite Temperature and Density, JINR Dubna, Russia, October 1-29, 1997
Categories: hep-ph
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