Lattice calculations of meson correlators and spectral functions at finite temperature
Published 2003-05-16Version 1
I review recent progress in relating meson spectral function to imaginary time correlation function at finite temperature calculated on isotropic as well as on anisotropic lattices. Special attention is payed for the lattice artifacts present in calculation of meson spectral functions. Results in the case of light quarks as well as heavy quarks are reviewed which indicate in particular that even in the chiral limit meson spectral functions have non-trivial structure and the ground state quarkonia survive up to temperature 1.5T_c
Comments: Invited plenary talk presented at SQM03 (Atlantic Beach, March 12-17, 2003), 10 pages LaTeX, uses iopams.sty, iopart.cls
Journal: J.Phys. G30 (2004) S431-S440
Keywords: finite temperature, meson correlators, lattice calculations, chiral limit meson spectral functions, imaginary time correlation function
Tags: journal article
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