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Instantons and the Chiral Phase Transition at non-zero Baryon Density

Thomas Schaefer

Published 1997-08-05, updated 1997-11-17Version 2

We study an interacting ensemble of instantons at finite baryon chemical potential. We emphasize the importance of fermionic zero modes and calculate the fermion induced interaction between instantons at non-zero chemical potential. We show that unquenched simulations of the instanton ensemble are feasible in two regimes, for sufficiently small and for very large chemical potential. At very large chemical potential chiral symmetry is restored and the instanton ensemble is dominated by strongly correlated chain-like configurations.

Comments: 37 pages, 10 figures, uses revtex, revised version (minor corrections and expanded dicussion)
Journal: Phys.Rev. D57 (1998) 3950-3961
Categories: hep-ph, hep-lat, nucl-th
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