On the chiral phase transition in hadronic matter
Published 2004-05-05Version 1
A qualitative analysis of the chiral phase transition in QCD with two massless quarks and non--zero baryon density is performed. It is assumed that at zero baryonic density, \rho=0, the temperature phase transition is of the second order. Due to a specific power dependence of baryon masses on the chiral condensate the phase transition becomes of the first order at the temperature T=T_{ph}(\rho) for \rho>0. At temperatures T_{cont}(\rho) > T > T_{ph}(\rho) there is a mixed phase consisting of the quark phase (stable) and the hadron phase (unstable). At the temperature T = T_{cont}(\rho) the system experiences a continuous transition to the pure chirally symmetric phase.
Comments: 4 pages, 4 figures, uses jetpl.cls
Journal: JETP Lett. 79 (2004) 606-609; Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 79 (2004) 742-745
DOI: 10.1134/1.1790016
Keywords: chiral phase transition, hadronic matter, pure chirally symmetric phase, non-zero baryon density, zero baryonic density
Tags: journal article
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