Gluon Radiation in $t\bar t$ Production and Decay at the LHC
L. H. Orr, T. Stelzer, W. J. Stirling
Published 1996-09-04, updated 1996-09-12Version 2
Understanding the pattern of gluon radiation in $t \bar t$ production and decay processes is important for making an accurate determination of the top mass from the momenta of its decay products. The larger energy of the LHC $pp$ collider boosts the top cross section by a factor of 100 compared to that at the Tevatron, but it also increases the amount of additional gluon radiation. We calculate the cross section for gluon radiation in top production and decay at the LHC. The distributions of this radiation are presented and the exact matrix-element results are compared with results from the HERWIG parton-shower Monte Carlo.
Comments: 16 pages including 7 figures, plain LaTeX; minor corrections to text; results unchanged
Journal: Phys.Rev. D56 (1997) 446-450
Categories: hep-ph
Keywords: production, cross section, herwig parton-shower monte carlo, exact matrix-element results, additional gluon radiation
Tags: journal article
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