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Possible enhancement of the $e^+ e^- \to H^\pm W^\mp$ cross section in the two-Higgs-doublet model

Shinya Kanemura

Published 1999-11-30, updated 2000-07-09Version 2

The production process of the charged Higgs-boson associated with a $W$ boson at electron-positron colliders is discussed in the two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM) and in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). The process is induced at one-loop level in these models. We examine how much the cross section can be enhanced by quark- and Higgs-loop effects. In the non-SUSY 2HDM, in addition to large top-bottom ($t$-$b$) loop effects for small $\tan \beta$ ($\ll \sqrt{m_t/m_b}$), the Higgs-loop diagrams can contribute to the cross section to some extent for moderate $\tan \beta$ values. For larger $\tan \beta$ ($\gg \sqrt{m_t/m_b}$), such enhancement by the Higgs non-decoupling effects is bounded by the requirement for validity of perturbation theory. In the MSSM with heavy super-partner particles, only the $t$-$b$ loops enhance the cross section while Higgs-loop effects are very small.

Comments: The published version. Several improvements have been done. 1 latex plus 9 ps files for figures. (text 20 pages). To appear in European Physical Journal C
Journal: Eur.Phys.J.C17:473-486,2000
Categories: hep-ph
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